Claim Management
Claim Management Service
What is Claim Management?
The conditions during the execution of the works may vary from the tender stage conditions, because of several reasons beyond the control of the parties. These changes may result as changes to the profitability because of the increase in the costs, adversely affecting the planned or expected cash flow. These changes give right to the parties make claims from the counter party.
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Claim Management
Main reasons for the claims between the parties may arise from:
- Lack of design quality
- Not giving the construction site on time, (Handing over of the site – Right of way – Possession of site)
- Credit Problems (Finance Problems)
- Clash of the drawings (For example static drawings may not take into consideration about the mechanical projects. This may arise because of the lack of coordination, or additional needs may affect these type of claims.)
- Discrepancy between the Contract documents (Hierarchy of the documents)
- During the execution of the works, because of the changes in the needs, additional works, omissions, scope increase or decrease and other Variations may arise
- There may occur some delay events (Delay Events)
- Unexpected or Unforeseen Conditions (Such as soil conditions, exceptional weather conditions)
- Force Majeure (war, strike, epidemic or pandemic)
- Changes in the Cash Flow
- Micro – Macro Economical changes
- Value Engineering
- Equivalent materials or services,
- Coordination problems between the Employer, Contractors and sub-contractors
- Additional Requirements from the Local Authorities