

Years Of Experience

Welcome to YY-PMC


YY PMC is a Project Management consultancy company; providing Project ManagementDispute Resolution and Contract Management services with its experienced and dedicated team consisting of lawyers and engineers.

Our team consists of multinational lawyers and engineers having solid expertise in; international arbitration, commercial and construction disputes, contract drafting and claim management.

We are providing consultancy services with respect to investment, from the very beginning stage until the completion of all contractual responsibilities.

Our services include but are not limited to drafting and managing contracts;

Providing risk assessment, feasibility studies and legal consultancy services.

Our firm is providing both legal assistance and technical consultancy services under one roof through its expert team.

our expertise

We are with you for the solution

We are providing consultancy services with respect to investment, from the very beginning stage until the completion of all contractual responsibilities.

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Years Of Experience

Our services include but not limited to drafting and managing of contracts; Providing risk assessment, feasibility studies and legal consultancy services.

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Contracts Managed

Our firm is providing both legal assistance and technical consultancy services under one roof through its expert team.